Saturday, February 24, 2018

VBT Update 2/24/18

I've been hard at work getting the editor linked up to the agent tree. 

  • The tree itself will be a static reference that all agents can use a single instance of- so you can have 1000 agents and you'll only have to duplicate their local variables, not all the tree stuff.
  • I've focused on doing some neat reflection magic in editor to make adding new behaviors easy.
  • The editor and agent behavior is still totally separated so that when building to platforms, all of the editor based code is stripped. In editor however, they link into each other so you can make changes to agent behavior on the fly.
  • I've switched JSON from CSV, and to serializing/deserializing classes using the Newtonsoft .NET JSON lib. This solution seems far more sustainable and easier once the initial groundwork is laid. Serialize() & Deserialize(). ez.
I'm currently in that dark tunnel of code wherein you depart with a map and hope to emerge on the other side with the glorious treasure of a new set of features. Wish me luck ; )

In the meantime, I'd dug up the bits of the OST that I'd done for the roguelike Deathstate (on Steam) and realized I'd never posted that so give it a spin!