Monday, January 22, 2018

VBT Update 1/22/18

I've added serialization to the behavior tree. You can see a gif of saving and loading a tree out below. (Click to view full size)

I've opted to store the tree in a space separated value sheet with key value pairs, to keep the file size small. Other contenders are XML and JSON, but SSVs are easy to parse and there are no JSON parsing libraries included with Unity, and the overhead with XML doesn't seem worth it here.

Next time I'll be working on having the agent correctly run through the tree in-game, and perform what actions are specified. The "brains" of the operation. This will be tricky so I'll start with running through the tree each update loop, but later state-saving can be added to increase efficiency. 

Monday, January 15, 2018

VBT Update 1/16/18

- Hooked up the VBT editor window with the inspector to both display the current Agent's blackboard
-The values carry over between them
-I've also added support for saving and loading files
- A few visual tweaks / usability


- Serializing/deserializing tree data

VBT Update 1/15/18

Blackboard support has been added to VBT. You can select a data type, name, and value to but used with the agent. A blackboard is a public collection of variables to be used and modified by an agent via it's behavior tree.

Next I will be integrating the blackboard with the behavior tree before hooking up the editor and backend.