Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Waldschattenspiel Inspiration

     After thorough contemplation of the affect of the mechanics and the feeling I would like to convey, I am going to make an overhaul. I am scrapping the upgrade system as it currently exists and replacing it with 2D ray-casting as to create more of a feeling of vulnerability. I had recently played Waldschattenspiel, a german board game that uses a candle and stand-up wooden trees. One player rolls to move the candle, trying to find the other players who hide in the shadows of the trees. The tension that emerged when the candle neared the hidden players, like a wolf sniffing out prey, was wonderful! I really want to convey feeling that would arise from actually getting lost in the woods- wounded, starving, alone- trying to hide from the beasts and make your way, rather than immediately having all the power. I think that this would be a more engaging and unique experience than that from simple upgrades. The player may achieve such power later in the game as to enforce a sense of progression, but it will not be to as much of an extreme extent as I had thought of before.