- Added Abomination character with a few animations
- Added animation to human of being picked up and thrown by abomination
- Correlated human and abomination throwing animations, so that they work together and the human is ragdolled and thrown away
- Added camera tracking so that camera will now automatically track the player model when it goes ragdoll
- Added new version of wealthy town house
- Improved model importing workflow
- Reorganized repository
- Fix time slowdown on framerate drop
- Look into writing rudimentary occlusion culling for optimization
- Improve lightmapping + lighting
- Make AI character execute GotoGameobject behavior
- Add arguments to BT nodes
- Add inspector panel to VBT
- Write action
- Make VBT connect to and implement BT logic
- Write composite and decorator logic into VBT?
- Improve motion capture importing. Try to not apply root motion on export.
- Make test capture to debug skeleton mapping